Thursday 31 January 2019

Small finished top

I am still in the cleaning and clearing out mode.  Trying to keep my quilting room in order.  Though at times it gets to be a disaster while I am working on something or many things at once.  Yesturday was no different.  

I have one quilt block on the design wall, the wild and goosey block, and all of a sudden inspiration hits me.  I've been stalled on these 3" finished blocks, because they were just not doing it for me.  So, out came a mess of fabric to construct this churn dash block. I've decided to add in an alternate block, with bigger pieces, to tone down the business.  

I think it will work.  Though by doing this I have in fact just created a different quilt that uses up less wild & goosey blocks, leaving me with extra, to make another NICU quilt.  So, instead of decreasing the number of quilts to make, I have yet again increased  I seem to be going the wrong way.

Anyways, so this leaves the extra pieces on the cutting board already laid out ready to be assembled with some sashings and cornerstones.  I still have my modern version of the 3-way BOM on my sewing table waiting for the last border and my six point stars sitting on the ledge behind me vying for my attention too.  

If that was not enough, out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of this next NICU quilt number 5 of 20, or should I now say 5 of 21, with that resent The centre four log cabin blocks were donated to me, to do as I wish.  I decided to use them as they were and just attach them to each other on the dark side to create the centre plus sign.  

As this was an easy finish, it overruled everything else.  I needed to clear something out of here.  The blocks were together from another sewing session.  All that was left was to put the three borders on, to bring this NICU quilt to 24" square.  All done.

January is coming to a close at the end of the day today.  Yikes!  I have only one row left, plus a word to complete my label for this month.  I am in the process of going back to all the quilts I've made, that I still own or still have not distributed, to make a label for them.  Last year I did many.  Many are still here and others have been donated or given away as gifts.  At this point I now have 11 more labels left to make.  So, the way I figured it, if I get one label a month, plus keep up with the labels for the current finishes, I will be done and up to date with all my labels, by year end.

I know it is a stretch with everything else I plan, but if I don't set the goals they definitely will not get done. This way, there is a chance of getting it done.  At the beginning of the month I only had the first two rows done, so I have completed a fair amount already.  The thing is, that each row takes at least an hour to complete.  The stitches are so tiny, in order to get the curves and all, that I have to make a conscious effort to sit and sew them.  It helps if I play reruns on Netflix while doing it.  Guess what I will be doing this evening!

Enjoy the last cold day of January!

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