Sunday 27 January 2019

Freehand version of the 3-way BOM quilt

We are now 10 minutes to midnight, Saturday evening and though I have been busy all day, I have not been able to get the few things that I need to get done by Monday done.  Guess what I will be doing tomorrow.

It's late I am tired and ready to turn in, so this will be a short post.  Thursday evening I finished this quilt top.  This is my version of the freehand 3-way BOM quilt.

The blue and green fabric with butterflies stands out a bit more than I thought it would, but I am thinking maybe once I quilt it, it may tone down.  Otherwise, I am sure a young child would prefer the brightness of it, so there is that.

Now I have the modern version left to do.  I have the first border cut out and ready to sew, but that won't be for a bit.  

Today, or should I say yesturday, as we just passed midnight, it took me most of the day to put up the wall mounted tv in the basement.  It really was more than just the tv.  It was the whole system, from the DVD/VHS player, the blue ray/surround sound, the wii, the wireless connection for playing off your phone/IPod and the headphones.  Like I said, it took most of the day.

Once that was done I had to take the large, heavy wall unit up out of the basement, clear out all the excess stuff that has accumulated over time, wash things down and vacuum.  I am beat.  I am off for a shower and bed.  Tomorrow will is another day and with deadlines looming over my head, I'd best start the day early.

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