I realized I forgot to post this one, when I was writing up the last post about finishing the last two blocks for the freehand version of the 3-way BOM. I not only finished these blocks back in November, but I also finished assembling the complete top.
Here is the first block. Of all the blocks, this is probably my least favourite. I wonder how this block will be quilted. The quilting may completely change the look of the block.
Here is the second block, the last of twelve blocks. I like the large open space of the corner triangles. I can't wait to see what will be quilted in that section.
Finally we have the completed top. If you recall from the beginning, when I started this venture, back in January, I decided I was going to do all three versions of this quilt. I wanted to learn all the different quilting designs being taught, for all three versions.
My stipulation/restriction, was that the only way that I could justify doing all three, was that I had to use my stash. No buying any fabric for these. I didn't want to put any more cost into this longarm quilting class. I did find all the fabric for all three versions, for the blocks.
The insertion of the diagonal piece tends to make the border look a bit more modern than traditional, but.....oh well, done is better than not.
Now I am going to practice some of the new to me, quilting designs and get this sampler quilt done. The quilt will be a donation to Project Linus when I am done.
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