Sunday 6 January 2019

Beginning the TAST and Beyond TAST challenge

Look what I started......  I have been gearing up to do a true crazy quilt with fancy stitches, lace, ribbons, beads and all.  I've wanted to do one for a long time, many years actually.  I just have too many quilts right now on the go, so I am still holding myself back from starting it.

Instead, I have decided to join the TAST and Beyond TAST Challenge, which is an online group.  The event is called "Take a Stitch Tuesday" and can be found at .   The moderator/hostess is Sharon Boggon.  Sharon is an expert needleworker and the author of her new book called Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting.  

This past week, Tuesday, New Year's Day, the first stitch came out.  The chain stitch is the first stitch for TAST .  Mine is the top row in the picture above, in orange.  The chain stitch is good for both straight or curved lines.

The stitch for Beyond TAST is the linked chain stitch .  The linked chain stitch is an extended version on the chain stitch.  Mine is the middle row in pink.  When you are doing the linked chain stitch, it also gives you a second variation using beads.  Mine is the bottom row in the picture above, in yellow with blue beads.  I especially like this version and think I will incorporate it in my crazy quilt.

There will basically be two stitches each week, one from each challenge.  Shouldn't be too hard to keep up.  The first TAST is for beginners and the second one, Beyond TAST is for those who have some experience.  

This is going to be fun!!!  Why don't you join in?

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