Wednesday 23 January 2019

Alternate Easy Street block

I finished another small NICU quilt top this evening.  This one came about from a leftover, alternate block, from my daughter's version of Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street mystery quilt.

I added the additional pieces around the perimeter of the block, to enlarge the quilt and to use up the rest of the miscellaneous pieces.  I was doing good.  It took me no time at all to get this together, even with all the small pieces of the outer border.

Can you see the of these corners is not like the  The reason this was one of my daughter's rejected blocks is because she got one of the squares turned the wrong way, so instead of fix it, she just put it aside.  In the end she didn't need it, due to her changing the layout, from the original designed by Bonnie.  I didn't even catch the error, until I had the whole thing pieces and the final border on.

How frustrating.......... Oh, well.  There was no helping it.  I had to fix it.  It is just not in me to leave it like that.  So today after work, I took the time to gently remove the one block, while keeping the rest as is.  I turned it and sewed each side carefully, not to catch fabric from the other blocks.  Ironed it up, and voila. Done!  

However, you'll have to wait for the revised, fixed version when I quilt it.   I have a customer quilt to get done this weekend, install the wall mounted tv and set up the entertainment area.  Maybe after that, if there is time, I can get all three NICU quilts quilted.

Stay tuned for the reveal of the other two, tomorrow.

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