Wednesday 30 January 2019

Camping quilt

I have this friend at the longarm guild group that I go to, that had a couple of panels.  She was wanting to make a special quilt for her son.  Her son is really into camping and the two panels she had were smaller pictures of camping scenes and the second one was of hunting.

This friend had finally found a pattern that she wanted to use these pictures in, however the finished blocks of the pattern were, I believe, 16" finished, which would have been way too big for her pictures.  There were two sizes of pictures and the small one was only 5" square.  It would have been lost in the background.

So I suggested she resize her blocks, to a better size, to suit the pictures.  That is when she looked at me with her eyes practically  I realized that she did not have the "mad drafting skill", as they put it, for those that can just look at a design and rework it.  She was surprised that it could even be done.  So, I offered to do it for her.  The designing part is one of my favourite parts of quilting.

She did a great job assembling her quilt and the colours look great.  When she went shopping for her fabrics, she came across this brown, which is a wood grain motif.  It works very well with the overall nature scene going on in the pictures.

Here is a closeup.  Looks great!  It's all quilted and ready to be gifted some time in May.  I am sure her son will love it!

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