Sunday 17 August 2014

Two quarter blocks done

I finished cutting all the parts for Midnight Flight.  Not all of them are seen here.  Too many for the one container.  It took a while to cut.  I had to cut a total of 384 dark blue half squares, 544 dark blue rectangles, 160 - 2 1/2" aqua blue squares, 160 - 2 1/2" lime green squares, 580 - 1 1/2" aqua blue squares, 580 - 1 1/2" lime green squares, 384 neutral half squares, 768 - 2 1/2" neutral squares, and lastly 1160 - 1 1/2" neutral squares.  All of this for a queen sized quilt including the pieced border.

I was so excited to finish the cutting that I had to make the two quarter blocks that make up the whole quilt.  One is the lime green going up to the left and the second one is the aqua blue going up to the right.  I like it, but had to put it away to head over to my parent's for dinner.

Today I am sorting the fabrics to distribute them evenly between the lime green and the aqua blue.  I am hoping to also get a chance to visit the quilt show organized by the York Guild at Black Creek Pioneer Village.  Right now the children are still sleeping off their late night, and I am going to continue sorting and getting some sewing done.

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