Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Not much quilty to post

There is not much quilty to post for yesturday or the day before.  Been busy with other things.  Monday my front window and front door were installed. Took most of the morning and part of the afternoon.  I got started on my daughter's room. By the time I finished filling holes in the facing and baseboards, painted two coats on her walls and one on the facings and baseboards I was heading to bed a 1:45 am.

Yesturday I woke at 8:00 am and started right away on the second coat of paint on the facings and baseboards.  I washed up any paint off the floor and washed all her furniture before putting it back in her room.  Once I finished this I had to run to the grocery store for basil, lemons and onions to do the tomatoes.  By the time all this was done I arrived at my mom's house at 2:30 pm.

We got right into the tomatoes.  My daughter dicing, my son washing, my mom sorting and myself peeling. All day we were doing various task.  Two extra large pots on the outdoor burners one with twelve batches of tomato sauce and the second one with marinara sauce.  By the time these were cooked and jarred it was after 12:30 am.

Another late night.  I am tired, but today we are in for another busy day of tomatoes.  My mom still has a bushel and I have another three.

I do not see much quilting going on in the next few days but we will see.  Will need to get my fix.

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