Saturday 16 August 2014

Still cutting up parts for Midnight Flight

So, today is going to be a busy day. Outside of leavening in the late afternoon for my parents home for a dress fitting, I will be doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  My daughter is havering a weekend sleep over where they include my son in the days activities. My husband will most likely putter around and I will be trying my best to get many things done in my quilt room as well as around the house.

Today my goal is to finish cutting up the parts for the Midnight Flight quilt that I am making for my niece and her husband.  I am already almost done.  Only have the neutrals to cut.  I plan on starting the quilting of the borders for my friends quilt.  Yesturday the designs came to me while I was listening to the chatter of the girls.  The ideas come at the most unusual times, but I go with it and my children don't think anything strange about it.  They were even helpful with fine tuning the ideas with me.

I am just finishing my second cup of tea and ready to tackle everything that I want to get done.  I will share it with you in some future post.  Enjoy your Saturday, wherever you are.

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