Wednesday 20 August 2014

Reconstructed quilt #6 - 6-Point Star

This is the last of my reconstructed quilts.  The 6-point star quilt.  This one also has Y seams.  So far the quilt is all deconstructed. In the picture below you can see the parts pinned together for each block.  The left hand side are all the pieces ironed and trimmed, ready to be sewn.  Peaking from underneath the parts in the middle of the drawer you can see my diagram of what the quilt is going to look like.  All the fabrics in this quilt are from recycled clothing or household articles.

This will be an unusual quilt with a large variety of unusual fabric.  I've made four blocks so far to get a sample of what it will look like.  I am still not sure what I think about it.  I just keep thinking, this will be an unusual quilt.  What do you think?

I haven't worked on this for the longest time.  Many years have past I am sure.  My chart says I started working on this one in June/2007, but I am not sure how long it took me to deconstruct it, iron, trim and make these blocks.  It will sit for some time still, until I get motivated to start up again. At this point though I have so many other things I want to complete first.

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