Friday 1 April 2016

Crazy beach ball block

A while back I made a scrappy crazy beach ball block.  I am not sure if this is it's official name, but that is what I have called it.  I saw this block numerous times in various places and books.  I wanted to see how difficult it would be to make it.  The scrappy part is easy, as I sew the scraps on a foundation and trim it to the desired shape.  The curves are a bit more tricky, but manageable.

These are the small scraps from my Aunt Alice's stash.  She used these novelty fabrics to make special photo album covers for the children in the family.  My daughter was fortunate to get one gifted to her.  The fabrics themselves are smaller pieces with not enough of one theme to make a whole quilt.  So, I thought to mix them all up together on the beach ball block.  It turns out to be somewhat of an I spy block, because you can see different animals or shapes in each of the strips.

I plan to use the light blue as the background, as there was a good sized chunk of it available.  In each block I want to use some red, to tie it all together.  I think it will turn out nice.  I think my aunt would be happy to know that her fabric is being used for a charity quilt.  She was always a giving person with a heart of gold.  We all miss her.

I was brought back to this block that I made when I read one of Bonnie's blogs.  She ended her blog with this quote (she gives permission to share her quote to whomever we wish).  I like the quote and the quilt that she pinned it to.  This is what the beach ball block will look like assembled into a quilt, just with different colours.

Just the other day I came across this picture too.  This one is newer with white fabric for the background.  Even though the fabrics are different, with a multitude of colours and styles, when put together, it seems to all go together to make up into a gorgeous quilt.  

I can't wait to get working on this quilt.  For now I sit tight and dream, as I work on my list of twelve that turned into eighteen...................wait.................wait...............I think I just found a loop hole, or an excuse if you work on this quilt now!!!  The quote goes.....Don't be pushed by you problems...."Be lead by your dreams"....  What do you think?  Does it work? Is it a good enough excuse?

I will have to think on it......but don't be surprised either way.  It usually doesn't take me much to come up with excuses and get distracted!  My daughter/my starting new quilts warden can attest to it ;) lol

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