Monday 18 April 2016

Simple two coloured squares quilt

In with the bags of fabric I got, there was a simple alternating squares quilt top.  It is a crib sized quilt top.  I am assuming the top was not finished because it was not flat.  When you lay this top on the floor there are some mountains/peeks.  No amount of quilting would have helped with this.

On top of that, a lot of the seams did not match.  Some of them were out by over an inch.  When I investigated the top, trying to figure out what went wrong, I noticed that none of the seams are the same size.  Some of the seams are less than a 1/4" and some are over 1/2".  This on its own is enough to have created the mountains, but when I really looked at the blocks I noticed that they were not all cut the same size either.  With the blocks all different sizes, this quilt top was doomed from the start.

I liked the simplicity of the squares and the pretty colours.  As this top is only crib size, I decided to take it all apart and start from scratch.  I've already taken the blocks apart while on puppy duty.  When I get a chance, I will iron all the blocks, trim them to one common size and sew them back together.

It shouldn't take me too long, as they are all the same colours I can easily assemble them in four patch style and in a grid format without much thought.

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