Tuesday 12 April 2016

Started the Apple core quilt

I am sure everyone remembers this set of four apple core blocks.  Well, yesturday during my day off of work I decided to get the pieces out and see what I could do to get this quilt done.

I was fairly busy with puppy duty, however between puppy naps I was able to get a fair amount done.  I am almost half way done.  With this quilt, I consider a set of four to be one row, so now I have two and a bit more than half rows done.  

The picture may not look so good with the other pieces of other quilts peeking from underneath, but I am sure everyone gets the idea.  These are random colour placement.  

This quilt is a bit more challenging for me, as there is not one single seam that is straight sewing.  The whole quilt is curves.  A bit tricky.  You really have to be careful that you do not stretch the fabric while sewing, otherwise you get pleats or gathers.

While working on this quilt as my main work, I have been working away on the leader/ender project, which happens to be the sixteen patch pinwheel quilt right now.

And......just to spice things up a little bit, I added in a monkey wrench block that was sitting in my leader/ender box at the side of my machine.  These are very old, simple, traditional blocks and for some reason, lately I have been drawn to them.

I do have a few more of these blocks cut and waiting.  I like slipping them in from time to time.  It gives me some variety to sew on.

Hoping everyone is doing well.  I just had my first weekday night off from puppy duty since we got her three months ago.  So, I took advantage of it and closed myself off in the basement to watch a movie.

Do you want to guess what movie I watched........................

How to Make an American Quilt.  I like the movie.  I watched it quite some time ago, but couldn't remember the whole movie and borrowed it from my mom to watch again.  It's good.  It's about a young engaged girl spending the summer in the country with her grandmother, who belongs to a quilting bee.  The movie is her trepidations about marriage and about the seven older women in the quilting bee with their life situations, with their spouse/lover/relationships that they went through.

If you've never watched it and get a chance to watch it, do.

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