Saturday 28 February 2015

Floret number ten for the top row

So much for sleeping in.  I woke up at 5:45 am this morning.  I tried to turn around and go back to sleep, but by 7:00 am I figured it wasn't going to happen.  Oh well, I did try.

Since this is an early post and I am not quite sure all that I will accomplish today, so I thought to share with you what I finished last night while making dinner.  While the water boils or dinner is cooking I still find time to put in a few stitches.  

Late night I finished the last three purples needed for floret number ten.  I decided to attach it to floret number eleven, the top right hand corner.  Now I only have two more florets to finish the top row of florets. 

Today........well I am not making too many plans.  I am going to wing it today and do what ever hits my fancy.  First on the table is the Pleaded Log Cabin quilt.  I set up my machine last night.  Getting everything ready to quilt.  We will see how far I can go with this.  I have at least another six hours to go to finish the centre, and I will have only the last border to do.  Wish me luck that everything will go smoothly and that I will have it done by the end of the day today.

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