Tuesday 24 February 2015

Baby 3D Pinwheels quilt

Saturday morning while having my tea, I was contemplating what I was going to make for the coming baby of my second niece, also my godchild.  At some point I remembered that I purchased a pattern in the summer last year while on a shop hop.  It was the Whirligig Pinwheels by The Patchwork Puppy.  What is special about these pinwheels is that they are 3D the pinwheels themselves flap.

We know she is having a boy, so I went through my fabrics to see what I may already have that will be suitable for this quilt.  I've decided to go with blue and green.  I rejected all my dark blues and dark greens.  I tried other colours to go with these like yellow and orange, but in the end decided to only use blue and green.  I ended up with five blues and one green.  Ok for starters, but I had no suitable light background fabric and I wanted more variety for the colours.

Do you see the blue on top of the pile.  That piece of fabric is special for the coming baby.  I got that fabric from the coming baby's great grandmother's stash. Wait until she sees it in the quilt.  I am sure she will be touched as well as my niece.

Before class on Saturday I did some shopping.  I found seven different light backgrounds, three blues and four greens.  Now I have my variety.  I even found a beautiful stripe fabric for the binding and maybe the small border.

Now I will have to get started with cutting the blocks.

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