Saturday 14 February 2015

Started up on the Bow Tie again

Today I wanted to work on something that is mindless, fast and will get me ahead.  I've been up since 4:30 am and didn't have the aptitude that early to work on anything too complicated.  I got a hand full of bow ties done before I had to bring my daughter to work.  I decided to treat her out to breakfast before she started.  Was nice to spend some mother, daughter time, even if it was only a short time.

When I got back I did some more bow ties. The first batch was enough to make two full rows.

I had to make sure my son and hubby were up and fed to head out to the hockey game.  I had completed a bunch of bow ties and thought, let's finish what I had already cut.  I did.  I finished another stack of bow ties.  Now until I cut up some more fabric, I have to stop work on this one.

I put up all the blocks I've made today.  It's looking great.  Have to sort out the colours, but that will be later.  For now I can admire how the quilt is filling in.  I only have two more rows to do.

Only 33 more bow ties left to make.  The difficulty is trying to find more lights.  My goal with this quilt is to not have any fabric repeats.  Next I will have to go through some of my other projects to see if I can steal a couple of small pieces if light fabric.  For now I will put this aside.  I got the fast, mass sewing bug out of my system.  Now I have to either work on the Tiny Town applique block that is due next Saturday or work on finishing the quilting of the Pleated Log Cabin quilt.  I will let you know what I decided.  Now I am heading to make some lunch.

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