Friday 20 February 2015

More Bow Ties

Yesturday morning was my late start.  I enjoyed a quiet morning cutting up the rest of the bow ties.  After cutting them up I still had some time to assemble some of them.  This first batch is what I got done before I had to head out to work. 

When I got home in the evening I had some time to sit and sew before having to go pick my daughter up from work.  I managed to get the rest of the bow ties done.  Yay!!!

Here is the entire centre of the Bow Tie quilt. It's finished.  I can't believe it's done.  Wow!!!  Now I am going to take them all off the design wall.  I will sort them by colours, so when I am ready to set them in a final setting I will distribute the colours more evenly, and sew them together.  

The assembly will happen later, as I have a bunch of things I need to tackle first.  Like some quilting and my nieces replacement quilt.  I got a gentle reminder that they are missing their quilt. wasn't really a gentle reminder, but as most non-quilters don't know and us quilters do know, it will take as long as it takes.  I'm not even at the quilting stage on her quilt.  I'm still working on the individual units. 

Friday, is already here.  Even though it has been a short week, it seems as though it flew by really fast.  Tomorrow I head off to my first appliqué quilt class for the Tiny Town quilt with Sew Sisters quilt shop.  I am looking forward to it.  Meeting people, checking things out, getting inspired, the whole works.  Really looking forward to it.

This morning is another late start.  I've decided to start another Dresden Plate block.  This one is yellow.  I'll show you when it is done.

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