Tuesday 10 February 2015

Floret number four for the top row

I am working on the third small house of the Tiny Town January block.  When I got home today I just couldn't pick it up again.  I am not happy with the roof I added.  The roof appears off kilter.  I am so not happy with it, that I have to take it off.  I just didn't have the patience to do that tonight.

So, instead I picked up my peach hexagon floret.  Tonight I was able to finish the second half of the white hexagons and all the purple.  I even managed to attach floret number four to floret number three.  I think that is enough for today.  The florets are all wrinkled, but when they are ironed and all in place they will look much better.

I enjoy my evenings of hand work while listening to my audio books.  The library has such a large collection.  If you haven't tried them, give it a go.  I find them more entertaining than movies at times and it give you the opportunity to keep your hands busy.  I will even listen to them sometimes while doing house work.  It makes a dreaded take more bearable.

Well, I am off for the night.  Enjoy. 

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