Friday 19 September 2014

Pleated log cabin blocks assembled

Last night when I got home I was treated to my daughter making dinner.  It was nice.  We ate and chatted for a while, and I headed to my quilting room to finish the pleated log cabin quilt.  My daughter followed.  She kept me company while I finished the second half of the quilt and as I did the leader/enders, she ironed them for me.  By this time, my iron was across the room because the blocks were getting big.

The centre set in a barn raising setting looks really nice.  I feel the design is more noticeable because the light side uses just the one fabric.  I love these older fabrics with darks that ranging from a light medium all the way up to a dark.  

These close up pictures give up a real look at the variety of fabrics that make up each block.  They are all very different from each other.  Overall I feel the quilt takes on a light blue or greyish tone.

Now I have to put this one away until I can hunt down some old vintage fabric for the borders. I was thinking a light to medium blue for the first small border than a greyish to charcoal coloured second border.  It may take a bit of time, but I have some scouts out looking for me.  I should also go on eBay to see what comes up.  I already tried a red for the small border, but I am not quite sold on it.  Maybe once I find enough fabric for the second border I can try the red again and see.

One more thing off my to do list, for the moment.

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