Friday 26 September 2014

I am a list person

My morning musings.

I am a list person.  I am writing lists for almost everything like groceries, to do list, chores list, book list and quilt list, you name it I probably have a list for it.  They help me focus.  If it is not written down I will probably forget to do it.

Just the other day I was going through my quilt list. Within my quilt list I have subdivisions, in other words list within lists.  Crazy I know, but I just can't stop.

My quilt list has one side for the quilts I am making for my family/friends or myself.  The other side has the quilts I am making for charity or quilting for others.  The latter list is full of completions, but the other side has not a single one done.  I plan to change that.  To do that I started yet another list.  A shot list, with just about five things that I am going to concentrate on, for the next few months.  I want to get some of the 26 things done.  These little lists work for me.  They help me not get distracted.  Between working on the quilts for others I will also work on the new short list.

While I was looking at my list, I realized that I have a bunch of quilts that are waiting to be quilted that I haven't shared with you.  Maybe in a future post you we'll see some.  They are all wrapped up with the backing and batting, just waiting there turn to be quilted.  I just haven't decided if I am going to show them now or wait until they are quilted.  Probably soon for a before and after example, but we will have to wait and see.

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