Sunday 14 September 2014

Changing my sewing room

Since Friday I have been distracted.  We heading to IKEA for my daughter to buy her bed with her birthday money and some of her own.   While I was there I was checking out some storage solutions.  This is what prompted it.  My sewing room is so full of bags and containers that I do not know what to do with it.  But I need it all.  I decided to show everyone the before and after pictures.  

The above picture is of the before and below is the after picture of my corner, on the left hand side of the window.  I still have to cut up some lights to match all the bow tie blocks.

The following picture is of the window wall.  I started building my units, when I realized I should be taking the pictures of the before and after.

Here it is the next day (today) all cleaned up again.  I still need to finish sewing the log cabin blocks that are on my sewing table.

This next picture is the opposite corner from the treadle. I only had two rolling plastic drawers with a piece of wood on top.  This is where I kept my sewing accessories handy and tools, plus the extra boxes of projects I am working on.

These are the two units I bought to replace my set up above, for storage.  I added a desk top to attach the two units together and divided them by one of my rolling drawers (minus the wheels).  I still have to work on the blue four patches for the Midnight Flight quilt that are on top of the units.

The next two pictures are close ups of the before and after of the same corner above.

These last couple of pictures are of the second sewing machine I have set up, on the right hand side of the two new units.  Not very attractive with two fold up TV trays, but it suited the purpose at the time.

This is the after picture.  Now I have a permanent table set up for piecing, when my other machine is set up for quilting or when either of my children wants to sew with me.  I bought a matching desk top, cut it to size and attached it to the units with two legs on the right side of the table.  The only thing left to do here is tie up the electrical cores and hang them on a hook attached to the underside of the table, to clean it up a bit more.

What a difference the two units and a side table make to my room!  I feel so much better now that I can pick things up and put them away.  I like it when the clutter is gone or at least hidden for now.  Eventually I will look into proper containers that will fit better in the units to organize everything better, but for now it will do.

Now, I am off to bed.  I've had a long and busy weekend.  Back to work tomorrow.

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