Saturday 27 September 2014

Mom's red work quilt

We went to dinner at my parent's house last night.  My mom and I are working on a bit of a project that I can't quite disclose just yet.  Just in case a curtain person is reading these post.  It would spoil the surprise. 

So instead I thought I would share with you the progress of my mom's red work quilt.  The last time I posted about this quilt was on June 6th, when my mom had the four corners done.  Since,she has completed the centre basket square and also the four triangle blocks that go between the star points.

Now she needs to do the large border.  Before she starts that though, she wants to do the red and white star that surrounds the basket block and the first little red and white half square triangle border to confirm she has the right size.  She feels she has to do it that way because the last red work border is all connected, all the way around the quilt. If the size is off, the red work will not match.  At this point she can make adjustments.

This morning I've taken out a dozen reds that I will cut a 2" strip from for her half square triangles, to give her some variety.  I always find the more variety the better.  The reds she is going to use are Christmas reds and a little darker.

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