Thursday 11 September 2014

Dresden plate parts

These are the Dresden Plate pieces that came from the boxes my cousin brought me to assemble.  These are a completely different type of quilt and a more resent pattern than the first few.  From all the details that I have gathered from the pieces, a French note attached to a plates plus a news letter from Trenton, I have to determine that these pieces were actually made by my cousin's mother, my Aunt Alice.  Aunt Alice passed away a few years ago.  God bless.

I figure they were assembled to make six different quilts.  A note that was pinned to the batch indicated that the blocks were to be 16" square, with sashings and a border that would make a good crib size quilt.  Each colour has seven plates, so I figure that was to be a quilt with two blocks across by three blocks down and an extra for a matching pillow.

My Aunt Alice had six children, maybe she intended to make each of her children a baby quilt with a pillow for each of their first born child.  It could also be coincidental the number that was made, because my Aunt was around when each of her children had their children and none of the quilts was made.

This will always be a mystery.  None of her children know what was meant to be.  This sort of thing happens often, with someone passing away and others having to deal with all their belongings.  This was a topic on a yahoo group several years ago.  It kind of hit home.  I don't want that happening to me.  For this reason alone I have started putting diagrams with layouts and instruction with my containers of parts and I started a list if my quilt projects.  That is what I have done for now, but what I really want to do is finish more stuff to leave less behind to be dealt with.

My cousin is thinking of combining the plates and instead of six crib quilts, just making one large queen size quilt.  I think it could work.  When I am ready to tackle this one we can go over it again and make the final decision at that time.

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