Wednesday 31 January 2024

Bonnie Hunter's Hunter star quilt pattern in browns (QW)

I haven't had time to do much quilting wise this week, so I will share with you this picture from April 16/2023.  This is a pattern by Bonnie Hunter, call Hunter star.  Or should I say that this is Bonnie's version of the traditional Hunters star quilt.

As any one who knows Bonnie Hunter, can tell you, she is a scrappy girl.  All of her quilts are scrappy.  Beautiful and scrappy!  This pattern was no different.

This particular quilt was made by Teresa.  Bonnie's pattern was done using reds and this one is done using browns.  The hunter star quilt was at one time, on my bucket list, but I did not want to do all those complicated seams.  Bonnie's version makes it so much easier to assemble.  I think my interest in this pattern has increased again.  I am thinking maybe in  Not to worry though....I am not planning on starting another quilt at this time, but when I am ready to, this will be on the list of contenders.

Here is a close up of one block.  I see a string block (Bonnie's favourite), some half square triangles, and a half of a chevron block (I am not sure of the proper name for this type of block).  This pattern version was very well thought out!  Thank you Bonnie for revising a traditional quilt pattern into something more manageable.  Plus, thank you Teresa for sharing version in brown.

This next picture is zoomed out a bit to get more blocks in the frame.  The further you zoom out the more like a true hunter star it looks like.  Very interesting.....I wonder why no one else has come up with this prior to Bonnie now.

Take care everyone.  I am off for my walk with Maddie, our four legged baby girl, and off to bed, as I am up early to head into the office to work tomorrow.

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