Thursday 4 January 2024

My brother's eagle quilt done and delivered

Just before Christmas and before I got the nasty cold, I managed to get my brother's quilt quilted.  I finished the top, back in October, while I was at a quilting retreat.  The only thing I had left to do was the binding.  

Good think my brother was going to be away this Christmas, so I had up until New Year's day to get that binding on.  Well....I thought I had plenty of time, but the cold held me back.  I did a bit here and a bit there, but come New Year's Eve, I still had two more sides of binding to do and I had a deadline of 11:00 am on New Years' day as we were all expected at my mom's place for brunch.  Noting like cutting it close.  

I was laid up all week, so when it came to New Year's Eve, I wanted to enjoy it with my family with games, food and good company.  So, I got up the next morning and set in to do the binding at 9:00 am.  By 11:00 am I was done, jumped in the shower and made it to my mom's by 12:00 noon, just as she was setting things on the table for brunch.

I gave the quilt to my brother and he absolutely loved it.  I am so glad.  Here is a close up of the quilting and the stars with fussy cut fabric for the centres.  The quilting design is called Ebb and Flow from Urban Elementz.

This next one shows the whole quilt.  The centre is a panel with an eagle soring over the mountains.  Primarily this quilt is a bunch of borders.  The only piecing was the stars along the top and sides and the trees at the bottom.  The whole quilt is a design from the fabric maker. This is her line of fabrics.  Various pieces of her fabric line added a bit of something to the whole.

The backing as well was gorgeous.  It really coordinated with the front.  My brother does like nature and eagles, so this suits him well.

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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