Sunday 7 January 2024

More progress on my Heartfelt BOM quilt

I have to admit that I am really not good at these BOM (block of the month) quilts.  When I am in the mood to work on a quilt, I don't want to have to wait for the next month to work on it.  I also don't like looking at all the holes in the design, waiting for the next months block.

So......just so that I could finish a bit of assembling of blocks, I made this block out of order.  I think this block is cute.  The only change I made to this block is the centre square, where I added a four patch, instead of a plain square.  This is the eight pointed star block.  Our little group has it slated to be done in February.  In my layout of this quilt, I have to make six of these blocks, and they will likely wait until February to get done.  I only needed this one to finish a section of my quilt.

This is what happens when you can't sleep and get up a 4:30 am and don't know what to do..... I had renos to work on, but at that hour with everyone sleeping, I thought it best to do this

With this one block done, I was able to finish the assembly of the top four rows of the quilt.  That is without the word border.  The first four rows, is the start of the two humps for the heart.  I am seeing progress!  Whoo-hoo!!

I have to say that I am getting excited seeing all the blocks coming together.  I don't think I am going to be able to hold myself off each month.......  This month, January, our little group is to do the Flying Geese units, or whatever blocks we have decided to substitute for this unit in our own layout.

I like flying geese, so I am making them part of my layout.  I have just decided to make some more and change the position of some of them to fit my own vision of this quilt.  Afterall, the designing of the quilt has only provided a "suggestion".  It is really up to each individual, on how they want to interpret the pattern design.  

We are only four in our small group and each of us has gone in our own direction.  The essence of the quilt pattern is still in tack, but the layout and/or blocks used has been changed to suit our own taste.  The colourway that we have all chosen is also very different from each other and the designer.

I know of a bunch of other people also making this quilt.  I can't wait to see all of their variations!  That is the fun part of it!  Seeing what everyone has done with the pattern.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.  Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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