Tuesday 30 January 2024

Stars in the Garden, plus one more block for the Heartfelt BOM quilt

For this post, am going to take you back in time to April 16/2023, when I quilted this quilt for a customer.  I am not sure if it was myself who named it Stars in the Garden, or the customer, but it gets it's name from the stripped fabrics, which I believe was a jelly roll of all floral fabrics.

The quilt turned out lovely and different from the others I have quilted of the same pattern.

My progress today, during my 15 minute morning break, the only time I had to sew today, is this, the second last block of this type.  I can't quite remember the name of it at the moment.

One more of these blocks to do.  After that, I have four blocks that make a set, left to redo.  I finally decided that I have to remake a set of blocks.  I was just not happy with them in the end.  I will show you that when I get to making it.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.  Have a great night.

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