Saturday 27 January 2024

HHQG Cathedral window workshop

Let me introduce you to this cheeky  This is Jane.  She is our guild's workshop convenor.  She is modeling her cathedral window  Jane has a good sense of humor and we tease each other often....good-naturedly of course.

When Jane brought her quilt to the Guild meeting and showed it at show and share, everyone oohed and awed.  I told her that is sounds like it would be a good I asked the audience if they thought the same thing, if they would come to a workshop for this pattern, and many hands went up.

The special trick to this cathedral window block is that they are bigger, so less time consuming and also, they are sewn by machine, making them even faster.  Don't get me wrong though....they do take time, but nowhere near the amount of time it would take to do it completely by hand.

Jane's quilt is using oriental type/themed fabrics.  She used a black for the background and the gold for the accent window parts.  It is very striking the contrast between the black and gold.

I very much enjoyed learning this technique.  It is fascinating how it all goes together.  

If the smiles on the faces of the attendees is any indication, we all had such a nice time today.  A big thank you to Jane for her patience and taking the time to show us all how this is done.  Pretty much everyone completed a block, so they knew how to do the whole process. Some people even went home with more than one block done.

Here is a view of all the blocks that were created today, by everyone.  I am loving them.  There was such a variety of styles today with not one block similar to any of the others.  That is what is great about doing things together, where everyone has their own taste of fabrics and colours.

One person even did hers differently by using a scrappy crazy block as her centre square, instead of a focal fabric.  I don't know why I didn't think of  I love scrappy crazy blocks.  The crazy block is the one in the middle, top row, with the navy blue background.

Now you may be wondering why there is so much colour showing of the background fabrics in the blocks above.  The reason is that these are only single blocks.  Once you make a set of four, you would have the centre of the four patch, that you can add another focal square, which would cover the background corners.  

It may not make sense, as it is hard to explain.  If you look at the two rows above and imagine that the cream square, the green square, gold square, and the black square are sewn together into a four patch.  Where the seams meet in the centre, is another spot to add a focal fabric and roll back the edges to make a fifth window.........clear as mud......I guess you should have been at the workshop......hehehe.

Have a great rest of the weekend!  I am going to try and get my blocks done tomorrow.

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