Friday 12 January 2024

Finished top for HHQG and my cat quilt

In November, the HHQG had a Outreach sew night for our November's meeting.  People signed up into groups of about 5-6 people.  Each group was responsible for bringing a machine and sewing tools.  The group would have selected who was going to do the sewing, who was going to lay out the quilt, someone to organize the group along the way, and someone else to iron and pin.  Well you get the meaning.

Everyone was having a good time and the comradery was great.  One group even coordinated hats and stuff....too

I didn't sign up to a group, as I didn't know if I would be needed by the Outreach coordinator to do odd jobs or rotate and lend a hand wherever.  Shortly after things got rolling, I realized I was not needed at all, so after making my rounds to all the groups, I decided to borrow a machine that was not being used and start sewing solo on a simple quilt top.

This here is what I selected.  During the meeting and between making rounds to make sure things were still going well, I sewed on this.  I did the webbing technique so I wouldn't loose my spot or any pieces.  I got the whole centre done by the end of the meeting.

I took the top home and just recently finished adding on the two borders.  I liked the simplicity of making this quilt, that after finishing this one, I decided to pull out some kid friendly fabrics to make one of my own.

Here are the results of what I did.  I had this one done the same day, as it was that simple to make.  The fabrics are cats.  Full body cats on green background, full body cats on red background, and cat faces on turquoise background.  The overall theme of the cats is winter, so I added a white fabric with the words Ho Ho Ho!  It's cute.  Later I might even make another one and maybe bigger.  This one is going to Project Linus when I get it all quilted.

All the while I am adding the borders to the first quilt top and making the second quilt top, I am using my 2" squares to make more sets of two, as my leader/ender.  The pile is continuing to get bigger!

If you are in Southern Ontario, take care and keep warm in this storm.  Perfect weather to stay inside and sew.

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