Wednesday 3 January 2024

Happy New Year! Progress on my Heartfelt BOM blocks

I am wishing everyone a happy belated new year!  Since the last time I posted I've been sick.  Over a week of on and off in bed sleeping, resting and trying to get my energy back.  Christmas was very much low key for me and the family.  The kids are older now so they were ok with it.  We still celebrated and did the gift thing.  I have never, to my recollection, been out this long.  I found out later my nephew and his girlfriend also experienced what I had.  Wasn't covid (I tested twice).  Anyways, I am feeling much better now.  Maybe not 100%, but much much better.

My son was in charge of making dinner tonight, so right after work, I came down to my sewing studio to make some blocks.  This evening was so productive.  Things were going quite smoothly.  Here are some pictures of what I did.  

The first picture above is of the broken dishes blocks and the one below is a set of four broken dishes blocks to make one 6 1/2" block.  These four will be together as shown and the others will be scattered about the quilt centre.

After looking at my pattern for a while, I finally came up with another option for blocks to replace a few of the hour glass units.  Instead of the hour glass units, I am going to make three square in a square blocks.  These are so cute at only 3 1/2" in size.  As the pieces were small, I decided to do these using paper piece method.  You just can't beat the accuracy of paper piece.

Just one more to make, for a total of three, however my energy is waning   Going to call it a night and get some more rest.

Take care everyone, hope you all had a nice bit of holiday cheer!

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