Thursday 26 October 2023

A Spring time tulip quilt

No quilting for me today.  I was into the office today for work and we all had a dinner out to celebrate our bosses promotion/moving on.  It is sad to see her go, but she won't be far and we are all so happy for her.  I wish her well in her new position.

As there has been no quilting activities for the past few days, I am going to take you back in time to Nov 29/2022, when I quilted this quilt for one of my customers.  It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year ago now.  Boy how time flies.

This is a twin size quilt of tulip blocks.  This customer also decided to combine the pieced blocks with using her embroidery machine to add a bunch of butterflies.  I completely forgot to take a close up of the quilt and the cute butterflies.  The border and the colours of the tulips have a cheerfulness about them.  Perfect for a Spring cover.

Short and sweet today.  Tomorrow I am hoping to have more to post about, as I have a vacation day off and I'm wanting to spend some time down in the sewing space.

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

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