Sunday 22 October 2023

What to do with dark least one option

There are many people who use charm packs.  Charm packs are 5" squares of a line of fabric, by a designer, with usually about 40 pieces in the pack.  They are very convenient and you get an instant variety of fabrics that coordinate together and would make a very nice quilt.  And there are numerous patterns to help you use them online.

The only problem is, for some, there are some fabrics that they tend not to like or they just can't use them in the pattern they want to make.  For instance, many patterns use the colourful prints and yardage of a light background fabric, or the pattern uses only lights and darks and the medium fabrics do not provide enough contrast and so end up getting rejected.

This last scenario is what happened for someone I know.  She mainly does light and dark combination quilts and so I benefited from her rejects.  I mainly do quilts using lights and darks too, so it took me a while to come up with this pattern.  Aside from the setting triangles all the charms and sashing pieces were used from the rejects.  Nothing got turned away and I just had enough to make this quilt.  It measures 60" x 75".

I call these the muddy colours. The colours are too dark to be considered neutral background and too light to be used as a main colour.  My daughter absolutely loves the muddy colours.  The trick to using them effectively is to select really dark colours to go with them. I mean really dark, like heading toward the navy blue, black, dark chocolate brown, burgundy and so forth.  As you can see, they give you enough contrast to pick out the design.

It didn't turn out too bad.  I'm not a muddy colours type of girl, but I can see the potential of the design.  Once it gets quilted and a dark, likely scrappy, binding is sewn on, I think it will be great.  This quilt is being donated to Quilt of Valour.

I finished this top today.  I am getting caught up on quilts that are almost done.  Today I also quilted another quilt for Quilts for Survivors, and yesturday I finished another top.  Getting things done makes me excited......I don't want to jinx it, but I do think my sewing mojo has  I still have a bunch of other small things to do, but one thing at a time and I will get there.  I am just itching to start on some new

Take care everyone.

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