Friday 20 October 2023

Three more NICU quilts for Project Linus

As I mentioned in yesturday's post, I took the last picture to show everyone that I am not the only one who thought of using my strings to make crayons for a quilt.  This is my crayon quilt.  This is a NICU quilt which measures 25" square.  I enjoyed making this quilt so much, that I plan on making another one in this size with green, blue, orange and purple.  I want to make a larger toddler size quilt.

I delivered these three quilts, to the person who drops them to Project Linus, on October 1st.  There were others, but that will be for another post.  This next quilt is another spiderweb quilt, just like I wrote about in a recent post called Red Spiderweb.  Except this one is also NICU size.

This one is in different shades of blue, purple and green.  The majority of this quilt fabric came from a friend, who finished her quilt and gave me her scraps.  The scraps were already somewhat in the size of strips I needed.  It worked out well and took me almost no time at all to piece together.

I have to say that there is a theme going on here.  Can you tell what it is?  Lol.  This quilt and the ones above, all come from peoples left over scraps.  I felt it my job to show people just how pretty a quilt can be, even if you are using your scraps.  I think these three are all pretty.

This quilt above uses crumbs to make crazy blocks in a rainbow of colours.  I make the crazy blocks using all kinds of small colourful pieces and sew them together to make blocks that measure about 6" square.  I cut them in four to make smaller blocks of 2.5".  I used the white sashing to help make the colours stand out individually.  My goal for this one was to see just how many pieces I could use in these small blocks.  There are  One of them has nine visible pieces in a 2" finished square.

I hope you enjoyed these quilts and I hope that maybe some day, you will decide to make a quilt using your own scraps.  See how creative you can get to make something that is pretty special and a one of a kind.

Take care everyone.  Have a great weekend and don't forget to take some time for yourself.  

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