Thursday 12 October 2023

A blue bricks with white sashing quilt for Quilts for Survivors

This week has been pretty busy.  Today was an in the office day and tonight I went out to dinner with my coworkers to celebrate the anniversaries.  Four of us hit milestones at 35yrs for three of us and 45yrs for one.  We all enjoyed a night out at The Keg paid by our employer.  What a great time we had!

No sewing again today, so I am going to take you back again to Nov 29th/2022, when I quilted this quilt top for Quilts for Survivors.  This top was also made by someone else and donated to Quilts for Survivors and I offered to quilt it.  You can't go wrong with a blue and white quilt.  This is an easy quilt to make and it looks good.  It appears to be a weave pattern.

Here is a close up of the quilting.  This pattern is an edge to edge pantograph and is called Rebecca's Rose from Urban Elementz.

Take care everyone!

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