Tuesday 17 October 2023

Getting started on my Heartfelt quilt

A hand full of ladies and I decided to have or own little group to encourage each other along with our Heartfelt quilt.  It was presented to the Guild as a BOM, however there was not enough participation to cover the cost, so instead, our small group of ladies decided to purchase the individual pattern, directly from the designer and do the quilt on our own.

I went through the pattern and worked out how to divide the blocks into months with leaving time to put the whole quilt together before the end of the guild year.  They may not be the same blocks per the BOM package, however we will make it work for us.

Last night, I started doing my blocks for October.  I got the blocks cut out and one of them assembled.

Aren't they cute!!  You may recall from my introduction post, that my quilt is going to be primarily red and pink, with some white for the background.  I am liking the blocks so far.  I am aiming for a variety with numerous different shades of red and pink.

Take care everyone.

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