Tuesday 24 October 2023

Two more Project Linus quilts

Tonight after work, I sat down to design a unique design wall.  I plan on making two overlapping design walls on rollers to conserve space, as I don't have a large wall to use.  My husband came home with a catalog for heavy duty track systems, able to support 250 lbs, so that should be good enough....lol....maybe even overkill, but I prefer to be safe than sorry.  I'll share more with you later, when I get things started.

For now, let me share with you another two examples of quilts for Project Linus, that went to them in the Oct 1st delivery.  This first quilt is toddler size.  It was made with a bunch of leftover blocks from another quilt.  All I had to do was figure out a pleasant layout and add borders.  Fabrics are 30's/40's reproduction  fabrics. 

This next one is a NICU quilt, which was also made from leftover parts of another quilt.  This one may look familiar to some of you.  There were parts from a Bonnie Hunter's Bitcoin quilt that I made.

I enjoy getting two quilts out of one and I like making these types of quilts for Project Linus, instead of having a bucket of orphan blocks.  It only takes a little more time to put these smaller quilts together, because the blocks are mostly already done.

If you have some orphan blocks laying around, consider making some small quilts for Project Linus.  The kids getting the quilts appreciate receiving them and it gives them comfort.

Take care everyone.

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