Tonight, I had an exciting meeting with some ladies from our guild who were interested in doing a separate side group for a BOM. The guild BOM was going to be something that you had to pay for, to the designer of the pattern, so I think that may be one of the reasons why there was not as much interest in it, or it could have been that the quilt was not to everyone's taste. Either way this small group of ladies and I are going ahead with it on our own. We each bought the pattern, though it doesn't come with the instructions on how to do the BOM format. So, I have broken down the pattern and the time allotted to do the blocks required and everyone agreed with the set up.
This small group of ladies and I are so excited to be making this quilt together. The Zoom meeting was so positive with everyone showing the fabric options they were planning on and some explaining how they planned to change up the pattern to make it their own. It was fun, and so exciting. I can't wait to get together in person, in November, to sew all day. In the meantime we all have homework to do, with making a bunch of blocks.
Stay tuned for samples of my blocks. Maybe if the ladies allow, I can take pictures of theirs too and show you just how different they will all be.
For some show and share, today I want to take you back to Nov 29/2022, and share with you a quilt I quilted for Quilts for Survivors. This was completed by someone who donated it to Quilts for Survivors and I offered to quilt it. My mom did the binding and this quilt was sent out to a recipient to give them some comfort in knowing that there are people out there thinking about them and wish them some peace from all that they have been through. Our thoughts are with you.
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