Wednesday 18 October 2023

Waterloo County Quilters Guild 2023 Quilt Show (Take 1)

As previously mentioned, my mother and I went to a quilt show this past weekend in Waterloo county.  It's the first quilt show that we've gone to since covid hit.  Previously, we would visit at least a few, each year.  For a quilt show, I would travel as much as two hours.  Lucky for me, this one was only about a forty minute drive.  This quilt show did not disappoint.  There were so many gorgeous quilts.  

This first quilt was so pretty. I loved everything about it.  This person went all out, from all of her tiny pieces, all hand appliqued, to all her fancy border treatments.  Just gorgeous.  I really do like what she did with her borders.  Can you imagine this on the bed with the borders hanging down the sides. Such a lovely finish.

I also liked her sashings and thought it was a light affect that doesn't distract from the blocks and elaborate borders.  I may have to keep this in mind when I get ready to finish my own applique quilt.  Do you like the applique birds and butterfly on her blocks?  So pretty.

This second quilt was also gorgeous.  This was completely pieced.  It looks complicated.  The colours are great and draw your eyes from the centre all the way out to the corners, with that chain that starts out strong and seems to disappear between the blocks, to appearing again into the corners.  Really nice affect.  This person knew what she was doing with the various shades of neutrals too.  Very affective.

Today's third quilt is a sampler of applique blocks.  I can't tell if this was a pattern or just a very well put together mish mash of applique blocks, because it was very well done.  This was quite a feat.  It is very difficult to put numerous blocks of varying sizes, themes and colours together in a cohesive way.  This person did a supper job of it.  This would be great as a wall-hanging.  It would stop me, in my tracks, all the time, just to stare at it, to discover new things every time.

This last quilt, different than the others, for it's bright colours, which was yet another gorgeous quilt.  The picture does not do it justice.  In person the colours are so vibrant, it almost looks like a real stain glass.  The person who made this was very particular with her piecing and the small, slightly bigger than 1/8" black, leaded glass divides was so precise.

My hats off to these ladies with their attention to detail and workmanship.  They all did a spectacular job.  I am so glad that I was able to attend this show.  It did not disappoint.  Stay tuned for tomorrow when I share another five more quilts.

Take care everyone.

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