Tuesday 26 July 2022

Sabryna's embroidered blocks & bar quilt

Just getting back from a 30 minute walk with the dog. Prior to that was out in the garden trying to tame the mess.  I finally got the large bush stump and root out of the centre island garden, put in some new dirt and planted some plants from another section of the garden, that I am trying to clear in order to make a running path for the dog to do laps.  It is always best to not fight it and move the plants instead of having them trampled.  I even have to put a knee high fence around the gardens to keep her out, otherwise she starts eating the new roots in the spring.  She especially like Hosta roots.  Weird, I know.

So all of that took me all my work breaks and after work until 8:30pm, I put the water on for 30 minutes, watered the new trees from a month and a half ago.  All but one is doing well, including the new bushes I planted.

Needless to say, I didn't get any quilting in today either.  So I will share with you a couple of finishes from Mar/2022.  The first one is part of the box that I unpacked that had a bunch of odds and ends from my daughter.  She had four embroidery blocks that she didn't want.  I turned them into a NICU quilt.  I used a pink fabric with little blue rosebuds and did a nine patch layout.  Added a small blue border to match the rosebuds and finished it with the same pink fabric.  I think it turn out cute.  I finished this one off with a gingham fabric for the binding.

This next one was part of the challenge from the person who collects our Project Linus quilts.  This was two pieces of fabric that was given to me to make a quilt.  They are both from the same line of fabric.  The first one is taupe with birds in purple, yellow, white and rose colour.  The second one is a bit busier and also has trees with leaves all over.  The only thing I added from my stash was this small border which had all the colours of the birds in it.

I chose this pattern, as I had exactly one meter of the border print and only a quarter of a meter of the second print.  I cut 5 1/2" strips x7 of the first print and x2 of the second one, with nothing to spare.  The quilt centre height is the full length of the width of fabric, minus the salvages. and the width of the top and border was also the width of the fabric, minus about 2".  There was absolutely no better use of the fabric to use it all up.  That excites me, when the plan works so well.  I think I will be making this one again, but next time with brighter happier fabrics.

Have a good night everyone.

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