Tuesday 12 July 2022

Mom's Noah's ark quilt

Today was a gardening day.  You would be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes of time here and there.  I work full time and we log in the computer from 9-5pm, with two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch, otherwise it is work, work, work.  So sometimes, in order to get things done, I have to boogie...lol.  I have my tools in one spot, ready for when I have the time.  I set my timer for 15 minutes and get going and see how fast I can do it.  First break, I started pulling out the weeds that were in the cedar hedge along the one side of the property.  Second break, continue doing more of the weeds against the house on the same side as the hedges...lunch time (after eating) more weeding...lol.  Can you see the theme here...lol.  It still takes time, but I was tearing at the weeds, with my shovel and snippers, getting as many as I could get out.  In between breaks I just leave my tools were I ended, knowing that I would be coming back.  After work I finished off the one section from the road to the back of the property along the cedar hedge, and accumulated enough to fill five waste bags that are now at the side of the road for pick up tomorrow.  

One small section done, with plenty more to go.  Since we moved here, last year, I have been working hard on the inside of the house and leaving the outside for later, but the weeds are taking over.  I have a couple of tree stumps that have decided to grow back and currently look like a really badly shaped bush, surrounded by over grown plants and weeds that are almost as tall.  But today if felt good to make some progress around the yard.

Other than my handwork with my morning tea before work, not much quilting got done today.  So, I will leave you with this... 

Back in time to March 9/2022:

This is my mom's quilt that we put together with the Noah's ark strip at the top.  This quilt was made as part of a challenge set by the person, to whom we deliver the Project Linus quilts to.  She had been given a donation of fabrics for the use for Project Linus.  She sent out an email to all her participants who make and donate quilts for the cause.  The challenge was to make a quilt using the fabric that was donated and supplement it, if needed, with some of your own fabric, to make a Linus quilt.  The pictures were later sent to the person who donated the fabric.

The Noah's ark strip was one of the fabrics my mom got in her package including a few of the others used to make the squares for the main part of the quilt.  We took our inspiration from the colors in the scene and cut out a bunch of squares.  The burgundy was used to separate the top from the main quilt and was used for the binding.  Mom put it all together, I quilted it, and mom did the binding.  I think it turned out lovely.

I am now sitting here resting my back after my walk with the dog and all the gardening.  I think I will stay here for a nice long time and do some reading.  Enjoy what is left of the evening!

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