Saturday 30 July 2022

Joyce's beach house quilt

I'm just getting back from a walk with the dog, after visiting my mom.  Glad this is the start of a long weekend, even if it is a working weekend for me.  Tomorrow I start on the bathroom tiles.  Got to get it done...  While I was at my mom's place, I cut out fabric for a small NICU quilt...and I don't have to put it  Playing in someone else's fabric is so much

Back in time from Sept 3rd/2019: 

I quilted this quilt for a customer.  It is a simple quilt with houses, but I was drawn to them.  I have been seeing them here and there online and in the back of my head I was thinking that I should make one.  It's a great use of scraps with all different houses, but basically all the same shape and layout, outside of a few variations.  

Joyce calls this the beach house quilt.  How fitting with the sand coloured background and the houses are in tropical colours.  

I really like this quilt.  So much that I started one.  While I was cutting scraps for another quilt, I cut out the pieces to get started on this one.

I like the colours she chose for her houses.  All of them are different, but the shape is the same.  Here is a close up.  The quilting was simple waves to condor up the waves at the beach.  This quilting pattern doesn't take away from the houses and draw attention.  Instead the first thing you see are the houses.

Here is a picture to see the difference between the before and the after.  Quilting certainly finish off a quilt, even if it is only for the sake of texture and holding the layers together.

Off to bed now, have a long day ahead of me and a long weekend.  Enjoy!!

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