Tuesday 19 July 2022

2022 Shop Hop - The Quilt Place

3991 Perth Rd #107, Shakespeare, ON

First stop on our last weekend of the Shop Hop, for my mom and I, was in Shakespeare.  I have been here several times.  It is a converted house with all the rooms on the main floor set up as the shop.  They have this place packed full of stuff.  I don't think you could get anything else in the store if you tried.  The sign is not very big and because I was coming from the opposite direction than I am used to, I missed it the first pass....lol......seems to be a theme of passing by the shops....lol.

This is the inside of the shop.  I couldn't get a larger view, as there was a line up behind me.  This is at the front of the store just behind the left hand window in the picture above.  They had mostly patterns and fabrics in this section and behind me is the area for the cash register.

I am on their mailing list, so I get updates all the time.  I've also ordered from them over the phone.  Their service is good and I got my order really quick.

At this place I got a couple of fat quarters, a gnome Christmas advent calendar, and another license plate for my small collection.  On the bottom right hand side is the shops' block for this years shop hop.

Today after work, I spent some time trimming 6 quilts.  Four of them for a customer and ready to be picked up.  Two of them are my own and will be given to Project Linus.  I have to put the binding on first though.   I also assembled a backing for another donation quilt and loaded it on the longarm, ready to be quilted tomorrow after work.  It is only a small one so shouldn't take me more than 2hrs, if that.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.  Take care and stay safe.

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