Monday 11 July 2022

A couple of quilts that I would like to make / Inspiration / Quilt Wannabe (QW)

I am writing this post primarily for myself.  I would like to make these two quilts one day, but they seem to get lost in my pictures, so I have decided to save them here with the label Quilt Wannabe (QW).  This way at a future date, I just have to do a word search for all the quilts that I am interested in making...some day...

This first one will be a way to use up all my 1 1/2" strips that have been building up.  But first I am doing Bonnie Hunter's Bitcon quilt using the medium and light strips.

Next I have this one that I want to do, also from Bonnie Hunter, called Smith Mountain Morning.  I am holding myself off on this one, until I get a few more quilts off my list, but I already have all my dark blue and chocolate brown scraps together, just waiting...we'll see just how long I can hold myself

That's all for today's post.  I still have a few things I need to take care of before I retire for the night.  Take care and keep safe everyone.

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