Saturday 16 July 2022

2022 Shop Hop - Kalidoscope of Quilts

17528 Elginfield Rd., St. Marys (Perth South), ON

I pasted this place the first go  This was a new to me shop and it too was out on the backroads, amongst farm fields.  I missed the small white flag sign and only realized it when my GPS showed that I had passed it.  I saw the sign much better coming from the other direction.

I got the picture above from google, of the inside of the store.  Doesn't that wall of fabric look yummy.  This shop was actually in the basement of the owner's home, though you wouldn't guess it by the interior of the shop.  It was well lit and nicely done up. There were also a lot of nice goodies here, with the usual fare that you would expect of a quilt shop.  There was fabric galore, kits, books, notions, you name it.  They even had a largish area for wool.

At this store I picked up a kit/panel by designer Kathy K. Wylie, part of her Time After Time quilt.  This is just a panel, but OMG the quilt in real life is absolutely stunning.  I had the good fortune to meet Kathy at one of the Mississauga Quilt Guild meetings way back, just about the time that she had finished this quilt.  I cannot express just how gorgeous this quilt was!!  And all the tiny pieces!

It is a large quilt.  The picture below is me trying to get a close up, but it does not do the quilt justice.  There is enough there to see how much work went into the making of this quilt.  Every wedge represents a month, and every month's flower was appliquéd to the black background.  Can you just imagine her painstakingly applying all those tiny pieces.  It is mind boggling. 

At the guild meeting, she was selling the tools that she uses to do all the intricate appliqué work, that she has imported in.  I bought a few pieces.  I'll have to dig them out some time and post about them.  The tools are amazing.  It is true about having the right tools for the job.  I swear by that, in any trade that you do. It makes life so much easier.

So now I have to get going.  Mom and I are off to a few more shops today.  I am really enjoying getting out and about after so long of being cooped up, and I am enjoying spending the time with my mom one on one.

Enjoy this beautiful day everyone!  Take care and keep safe.

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