Monday, 25 July 2022

Teresa's pineapple quilt

I've been busy yesturday quilting a customer quilt, which took me some time, as it was over a queen size, but not quite a King size.  I have to trim it still and take pictures, so that one I will share another day.  In the morning I had to take care of some cleaning and taking in another customer's quilt.  After that I did get a bit of time to sew up some blocks from the Bonnie Hunter 2021 winter mystery, Rhododendron Trail.  It felt good to work on this one again.  

While making these blocks I am using my 1 1/2" squares as my leader/ender to make four patches.  It is amazing how fast they add up.  I work on my main block, as far as I can go, before I need the piece under the foot to sew the next piece.  I put a dark and light set through the machine.  I did three main blocks and from that was able to assemble sixteen four patches in between. Fastest way to make progress on another quilt.

In the meantime, I thought I would share this beautiful quilt that I quilted for another customer.  Back in time to March/2020.  This is Teresa's pineapple quilt.  Look at all those pieces.  Teresa pieced it really well and the colours are nice too.  I can't remember now, but gauging by the picture, I am going to say this is a lap size quilt.

Here is a close up of the quilting.  I suggested the pattern based on the flowers in the border.  This pattern is called Painted Daisies from Urban Elementz.

Hope everyone had a great day!  Enjoy what is left of your night.  Tomorrow I am thinking of taking pictures of the progress I made recently on my hexagon quilt.  I am so excited about this one.  It is coming along nicely.  Slowly....but nicely.

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