Wednesday 9 April 2014

Read quilts

Tonight's quilting bee was canceled. Our hostess was still sick.  Hope she gets better soon.

Today after dinner I had about an hour to do some quilting.  I finished all the vertical lines and started a couple of the horizontal lines.  I only had an hour because my son wanted some reading time.  This is when my daughter, my son and I get together on my bed and read.  In the earlier years it was the only way I could get my son to read.  Now that he enjoys reading it's not required, but he still likes to get together.  It is his way of having some mommy time.  Closeness but still doing his own thing.  While he read his book, I caught up with reading Bonnie's blog.  She is always so busy and very inspirational.

Now that it is late, son is in bed and daughter watching tv with her dad, I am trying to decide what to do.  Hubby came up while I was reading with our son to show me that I had a surprise in the mail waiting for me.

Ooh! Ahh!  Quiltmaker magazine.  It is too late to do any more quilting as my eyes won't focus, so maybe instead I can continue to read.  Or instead of the magazine maybe I might want to read this.

The Goodbye Quilt by Susan Wiggs.  A friend lent me the book some time ago, I think just before Christmas, but I didn't have much time to sit and read.  What shall I read magazine or book???

I think the book has won out.  Quilts, quilts and quilts!  Yes I eat, sleep and dream quilts.  I read quilts too.

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