Friday 25 April 2014

A quilt for the community involvement badge from Sparks girls a group within the Girl Guides

I hope you don't mind my showing you a quilt from the past, again.  I did some more overtime today so didn't get any quilty stuff done.  This quilt is from many years ago.  One of my own designs.  My niece Michelle was a leader for a group of sparks girls through the Girl Guides.  She was looking for some suggestions on what to do to get the girls involves with the community and doing something for someone else.  I made the suggestion to do some fabric painting and how she could get all the girls to design a block of their own to be incorporated into a quilt to be given to someone special and in need of a hug.  She organized it for her group and brought me the blocks to work with.  This quilt I believe was to go to someone to cheer them up, I think someone in hospital, but I am not 100% sure.  Anyways I thought the some bright colours were needed to compete with the bright colours of the painted blocks. This is how the quilt turned out.  The quilt was just under a twin size.

Below is a close up of one of the blocks that I think was done by one of the leaders.  Note how the blocks on the outer edge of the quilt are smaller than the centre blocks.  This was because some of the children only painted a small picture.  With these ones I made a frame around them to make them the same size as the centre blocks, to make it easier to design and construct the quilt. This design was the first time that I also made a quilt where the blocks come out into the border.

I am sure some little girl was happy to get this quilt.  The sparks girls took a picture of their group with the quilt. A good memory for all of them.  They did a good job and deserve to feel proud of themselves.

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