Monday 7 April 2014

A little bit of background information

After I wrote my post last night regarding the reasons I didn't get too much quilting done, I thought to myself that maybe I should give people a bit of background information about my life.  Quilting is right in the middle of it, but there is so much more.  I also thought to myself that setting a commitment to post something quilty everyday might be setting myself up for failure.  You see I first and foremost am a wife and mother of two, a daughter and a son.  I have aging parents and siblings who have children of their own.  I work full time. I also do some quilting for others on the side, as well as landscaping and indoor renovations depending on the season and how often my sister may need help with her contracts.  I just purchased a home 1 1/2 years ago and am in the process of renovating it.  My family has been a great help.  We all help each other.  It works out well.

So, you see?  It can get pretty hectic around here.  As I mentioned in a previous post, my family is very supportive.  When I need some down time to sew a few stitches, they understand.  My spouse and children do what they can to help out.  Not saying that everything is peachy because believe me we have those days that you just want to put up your hands and scream. Our family is very dramatic at times and our emotions are strong and true.  I love everything and wouldn't change a thing.

My new commitment to you and myself is to write as often as time will allow.  I will aim for daily, however if I miss a couple of days it will just have to do.  Some days I may even post more than once if I get those days that I can devote the whole day to quilting.  If quilty topics get a bit low one day or two I may just throw in some other stuff that I am working on.  Our lives are like that, sometime we must devote more time to family/friends, sometimes work, renovations, housekeeping and other times hobbies or pleasures.

Today I can add something quilt related.  While listening to an audio book, I sat and worked on my hand stitch for my flower garden quilt.  I was able to complete the bee hive and started on the French knots of the morning glory vine.

This is a picture while it sits on my lap. Needs a bit of ironing, but you can see it well enough as is.

For those who do quilting you will understand when I say that making a quilt can be a long process.  There are times that I work on many things at once because I need variety in my quilting as we do in life and other times I have the concentration to do the one project from start to finish. This last one may be a bit more rare, depending on the size of quilt.  The reason I say this is so that you won't be surprised when I show you different parts of  a quilt at various stages of completion, like I did for the spider web blocks.  I tend to go with the flow.  It helps me get more done.  Nothing worst than doing something you don't like or want to do.

Hope this helps to explain things a bit better.  Enjoy your evening everyone.

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