Wednesday 31 January 2024

Bonnie Hunter's Hunter star quilt pattern in browns (QW)

I haven't had time to do much quilting wise this week, so I will share with you this picture from April 16/2023.  This is a pattern by Bonnie Hunter, call Hunter star.  Or should I say that this is Bonnie's version of the traditional Hunters star quilt.

As any one who knows Bonnie Hunter, can tell you, she is a scrappy girl.  All of her quilts are scrappy.  Beautiful and scrappy!  This pattern was no different.

This particular quilt was made by Teresa.  Bonnie's pattern was done using reds and this one is done using browns.  The hunter star quilt was at one time, on my bucket list, but I did not want to do all those complicated seams.  Bonnie's version makes it so much easier to assemble.  I think my interest in this pattern has increased again.  I am thinking maybe in  Not to worry though....I am not planning on starting another quilt at this time, but when I am ready to, this will be on the list of contenders.

Here is a close up of one block.  I see a string block (Bonnie's favourite), some half square triangles, and a half of a chevron block (I am not sure of the proper name for this type of block).  This pattern version was very well thought out!  Thank you Bonnie for revising a traditional quilt pattern into something more manageable.  Plus, thank you Teresa for sharing version in brown.

This next picture is zoomed out a bit to get more blocks in the frame.  The further you zoom out the more like a true hunter star it looks like.  Very interesting.....I wonder why no one else has come up with this prior to Bonnie now.

Take care everyone.  I am off for my walk with Maddie, our four legged baby girl, and off to bed, as I am up early to head into the office to work tomorrow.

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Stars in the Garden, plus one more block for the Heartfelt BOM quilt

For this post, am going to take you back in time to April 16/2023, when I quilted this quilt for a customer.  I am not sure if it was myself who named it Stars in the Garden, or the customer, but it gets it's name from the stripped fabrics, which I believe was a jelly roll of all floral fabrics.

The quilt turned out lovely and different from the others I have quilted of the same pattern.

My progress today, during my 15 minute morning break, the only time I had to sew today, is this, the second last block of this type.  I can't quite remember the name of it at the moment.

One more of these blocks to do.  After that, I have four blocks that make a set, left to redo.  I finally decided that I have to remake a set of blocks.  I was just not happy with them in the end.  I will show you that when I get to making it.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.  Have a great night.

Sunday 28 January 2024

Bobby Orr quilt and still working on leaders/enders

I did get some quilting done on a customer quilt and one of my own as well, but I still have to trim them before I get the pictures.  So today I will take you back in time to Apr 14/2023:  

To when I quilted this quilt for a customer.  The black fabric is a Boston Bruins fabric for a Bobby Orr's fan. My customer made this quilt for her brother who is a big fan of hockey and specifically Bobby Orr.  We found a quilting pattern that resembles hockey pucks with a geometric line that could represent the hockey stick.  It turned out quite nice.

Later on in the day, I did get some sewing in on my Heartfelt BOM and assembling some of the sections, but I was so involved in that, that I forgot to take the pictures.  I did get a picture of what was going to be the second part of my post, which is the continuation of making the leader/enders, but now into four  Well....I got part of what I was going to show  It is too late and too dark to get any decent pictures of the sections down in the basement studio.  Hopefully tomorrow.

Saturday 27 January 2024

HHQG Cathedral window workshop

Let me introduce you to this cheeky  This is Jane.  She is our guild's workshop convenor.  She is modeling her cathedral window  Jane has a good sense of humor and we tease each other often....good-naturedly of course.

When Jane brought her quilt to the Guild meeting and showed it at show and share, everyone oohed and awed.  I told her that is sounds like it would be a good I asked the audience if they thought the same thing, if they would come to a workshop for this pattern, and many hands went up.

The special trick to this cathedral window block is that they are bigger, so less time consuming and also, they are sewn by machine, making them even faster.  Don't get me wrong though....they do take time, but nowhere near the amount of time it would take to do it completely by hand.

Jane's quilt is using oriental type/themed fabrics.  She used a black for the background and the gold for the accent window parts.  It is very striking the contrast between the black and gold.

I very much enjoyed learning this technique.  It is fascinating how it all goes together.  

If the smiles on the faces of the attendees is any indication, we all had such a nice time today.  A big thank you to Jane for her patience and taking the time to show us all how this is done.  Pretty much everyone completed a block, so they knew how to do the whole process. Some people even went home with more than one block done.

Here is a view of all the blocks that were created today, by everyone.  I am loving them.  There was such a variety of styles today with not one block similar to any of the others.  That is what is great about doing things together, where everyone has their own taste of fabrics and colours.

One person even did hers differently by using a scrappy crazy block as her centre square, instead of a focal fabric.  I don't know why I didn't think of  I love scrappy crazy blocks.  The crazy block is the one in the middle, top row, with the navy blue background.

Now you may be wondering why there is so much colour showing of the background fabrics in the blocks above.  The reason is that these are only single blocks.  Once you make a set of four, you would have the centre of the four patch, that you can add another focal square, which would cover the background corners.  

It may not make sense, as it is hard to explain.  If you look at the two rows above and imagine that the cream square, the green square, gold square, and the black square are sewn together into a four patch.  Where the seams meet in the centre, is another spot to add a focal fabric and roll back the edges to make a fifth window.........clear as mud......I guess you should have been at the workshop......hehehe.

Have a great rest of the weekend!  I am going to try and get my blocks done tomorrow.

Thursday 25 January 2024

Sue's water colours quilt

With my eyes still healing, I am holding off on sewing.  Since I started back at work, my eyes have been very tired afterward.  So light stuff only for me this past week.  So I'll take you back to Feb 19/2023 with this quilt that belongs to Sue.  

This was a kit that Sue picked up, which was in batiks.  There were numerous different fabrics, like about 13 or more of them.  You really had to be careful not to mix up the fabrics as when they were cut up, it was sometimes hard to tell which was which.  

This quilt reminds me of water colours in the blues and greens heading toward seafoam.  It looks gorgeous on the king size bed.

Here is a close up of the centre.  Do you see how some of those fabrics are difficult to distinguish from one to the next?  Up closer, you can see a little more definition, but not by much.  That was the intent of the designer and why there were subtle differences between the fabric colours.  I spy nine pinwheel blocks in this next picture.  Can you see them?  Four of them are set straight and the other four are set on a diagonal.

Here is a shot of the corner of the quilt.  Even the borders have intricate details.  I don't know if you've noticed, but count them......there are nine borders to this quilt surrounding the centre square!!  Yikes!

This is a beautiful quilt, both the pattern design and the lovely colours used to make it.  I have the pattern to this quilt and thought that one day I may want to make it, but I wouldn't know what colourway I would want to use.  I'd want it different, but what?

Have a great night everyone.  Take care.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Carole's giraffes

I've had a procedure done to my right eye last week and I am still finding I have challenges with strain on both my eyes, especially after working my full time job the whole day on the computer.  So needless to say, there has not been much happening in the quilting/sewing department.  Today was the specialist appointment to remove the protective lens.  According to the specialist, all is healing fine, though it may take two weeks to a month to fully heal.  The first part he said was good, but I didn't like the second part.....  

I am hoping that by this weekend, things will be back to normal enough for me to get back to sewing.  In the meantime I work with it and find other things to do that don't require my eyes to focus.

Today, I thought I would take you back to Jan 28th/2023:

I am sorry I didn't get more pictures of this quilt.  It is the sweetest thing!  I love the giraffes.  Carole got this pattern when she and her husband were traveling in the States.

Monday 22 January 2024

Two new blocks to add to the mix or is that three

I've been having so much fun coming up with replacement blocks for the Heartfelt BMO quilt.  I do appreciate the pattern and all the work the designer put into it to offer it as a pattern, however this pattern leans to so many different variations.  Essentially, I take the pattern as being a suggestion.  It is up to each individual to do what they want with it to make it their own. 

I am keeping many of the blocks provided and the general layout of the different size blocks.  I have just added some additional blocks to replace some of the repetition. 

I am still debating whether I am redoing these four blocks above.  I don't like how the colours all look the same, and with this small sashing to correct the block size issue, you lose the secondary design where the small triangles would normally touch when the blocks are set side by side.  I am pretty sure, like 97% sure, that I will be redoing these blocks.....

These next two blocks, the X and O set together, are just me playing with the theme of the heart.  I think they are fitting.....hugs and  Ok.......maybe overboard, but don't burst my bubble and let me play with  I don't have to please anyone with this quilt, as it will likely be my quilt in the end.  I may even be a sappy gift to my

I am having fun with the whole design.  I am getting close with finishing all the blocks.  Once I get into it, I just can't seem to stop making them.  

Maybe if my eyes cooperate I can sew tomorrow.  I would like to start putting some more sections together.  I still have many of the letters for the border to do too.

Take care everyone.

Sunday 21 January 2024

I am back!

I am back from being off since my eye procedure on Wednesday morning.  It wasn't until today, Sunday, that I could say that I am back to pre procedure.  I go back this Wednesday to get the protective lens removed from my eye and now I wait for another call to do the left eye.  Please be patient.

Since I was not able to sew for that whole length of time, you can just imagine, my boredom and almost going around the  I am not a very good patient when I basically can't do anything.  Couldn't even open my eyes for a couple of days.  But glad that is over!

During my boredom, the quilting ideas were flying through my head.  First think I did when I am able to turn on the sewing machine to start a new test  They call this block a disappearing hourglass, but the initial block you actually make is a broken dishes block......?  Doesn't make sense to me, but oh well.

Most people make this block using a layer cake (10" squares), but I have parts of charm packs that I was able to match several pairs.  I am not sure what size the finished block would be if using the layer cake, but when using two charms with two charm backgrounds, where you make two HSTs (half square triangles) per charm pair, the block finishes at 7 3/4" (7 1/4" finished in the quilt).  

It sounds like an odd size, but that is not a big deal.  Now I have a pattern, for a quilt, that I have wanted to make for a while.  I can use up all these gifted charms for either QOV (Quilt of Valour) or QFS (Quilts for Survivors) and this test block above is the beginning of a NICU quilt for Project Linus.  All a win win!!

Take care everyone.

Monday 15 January 2024

I've had too much time to think (QW)

I've had too much time to think and when that happens, I usually get myself into starting more

A few posts ago, I posted a quilt that a friend made using her stash of 2 1/2" batik squares.  Which got me comes the  Myself, I have a lot of 2" squares that I am currently using as my leader/enders while sewing up other quilts.

While having my morning tea, I took out the graph paper and started sketching.  This is my third and final version of all my thoughts.  I have the primary block layout, shown below, which is 22 1/2" square.  What I plan to do, is make the quilt using six of these squares, and rotating them with sashing between and a small sashing sized border.  This will make a quilt of 50" x 74".  Definitely something I am going to do, when I get enough leader/enders done.  I want to do this one and the last one I drew up about a month ago.

BUT!!!  That is not all I have been thinking of.......more  I have been accumulating a bunch of half square triangles (HST).  Mostly HSTs with one side light and the other side dark.  I have friends who don't do bonus triangles, as they find them too small.  They are but I don't like waste and I love the challenge of figuring out what to do with them.  

When I get the cut off triangles which are already matched together, I sew them up right away, and over the coarse of time I will trim them to the larges size I can get.  For the most part, that has been a square 1 1/2" in size.

This particular idea is a collision of two separate thoughts.  The first thought comes from this picture of a beautiful ocean waves quilt.  This is an antique quilt, and it is one quilt that is on my bucket list of quilts I want to do in my lifetime.  I am not sure why exactly that I am drawn to this pattern, but I am.

The second thought comes from the picture of this section of a beautiful log cabin quilt.  This picture was taken so that I could have a picture of the background fabric.  I really think the teal'ish blue is gorgeous.  The whole quilt is gorgeous!  I was drawn to this blue, as I loved the way it played with the other colours of the log cabin blocks.  With this background, those other fabrics seemed to pop out beautifully.  They seem to shine.  Similar to when you use black and add colour, but in this case in a different way.  The blue just added that little something more.

So.........don't be surprised if I start another quilt or  Like I said earlier, having too much time to think, usually gets me into trouble.  The only thing stopping me from starting this second quilt with all the HSTs, is that the majority of the HSTs I have are in the 1 1/2" size.  That would mean that the squares would finish at 1" sewn into a quilt.  At 1", these blocks would only measure 4" finished.......OMG!!  That is 10 HST, 4 small triangles and 2 larger triangles to make one 4" finished block!!  Is that not insane!  On top of being really, really small, it would require gobs and gobs of HSTs to make a decent size quilt.  That didn't discourage me initially, as I did pull out all the HSTs that I had in that size...............we shall

Sunday 14 January 2024

January's BOM are the flying geese

Yesturday I had a full day of sewing!  It was nice.  I almost got all the January blocks done.  January's BOM blocks are the flying geese.  I redesigned the pattern some, with changing some of the blocks and added or subtracted some of the original blocks.  So, in my case I had to make a total of 20 sets of 2 flying geese.  Here are 4 sets of 2 and they are already assembled together to go into the quilt.

The quilt is coming along nicely.  With the blocks I already had made and now the flying geese, I find that I am able to start assembling some smaller sections.  In this next picture, this is one of the section layouts.  I believe that this little section is all different from the original.  I am using the flying geese, variable star, nine-patch, friendship star and broken dish that is in the original design, as I do like these blocks, but I also added the heart, crazy square both in the variable star and on it's own, plus the monkey wrench block.  It is really looking cute!

My goal in all of this, is to make sure there is enough contrast in the blocks and between the blocks so that you can see each individual block.  The contrast can be in the form of colour from light reds heading toward burgundy, light pinks heading toward dark fuchsia.  When it came to the background, I used some white, cream and different shades of pink.  

On top of contrast in colour though, I am trying to make sure the blocks do not fall flat and start looking like solid coloured fabric.  Some of the contrast is coming from texture, such as plaids, hearts, polka dots, flowers, zig zags, name it, and I probably have some if it in here.

Below I have another little section done, because the flying geese are now done.  In this section the Ohio star was coloured differently and I fussy cut a heart to go in the centre.  This section is the top part of the quilt, where the large heart indentation starts.  The single pink square, is the start of the outer border of the larger heart that forms the quilt pattern.  On the top of this section, to the right, there are some more blocks that will create the hump of that larger heart.

In the picture above you have the first pink square that forms the top indented point of the heart, and below you have the bottom point of the heart.  The flying geese are pointing to the centre pink square of the bottom most part of the larger heart.  In this picture, you can also see the variety of the background fabrics I used, which are red on white/cream and pink on white.

I've shown you 7 different sets of 2 flying geese in this post.  I have 11 more sets of 2 done, and 2 more sets of 2 left to go, to finish the January blocks for our small little group.  

Since I've started making this quilt, I've found out that there are many others doing this Heartfelt BOM quilt as well.  I know of 2 other groups just in my area that are also doing it.  It will be exciting to eventually see all the different takes on this pretty pattern.  Just in our little group there is not one the same.  Everyone is taking the pattern and making tweaks to it to make it their own.  That in itself is part of the fun.

If you are reading this post and you are also doing, or have already done this quilt, please share your pictures.  We would all love to see!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!!  As for me, while I sit here and glance up and out the window, I note it is back to snowing heavily, so I think I am going to again, just stay inside all nice and warm.

Saturday 13 January 2024

Another variation for Quilt of Valour

A few of days ago I posted about a quilt using batik squares that a friend is trying to use up from her stash.  Here is another example of a pattern to use them up.  I am trying to remember all the tops she made using her 2 1/2" batik squares......I think there were five of them that I quilted.  I'll have to ask her.  I also am curious to find out now, how much of a dent she actually did make in her bin of squares.

Again, this quilt uses all the different colours in a rainbow and  Anything goes, and it does go.  You add enough variety and it will all go together.  When doing this type of quilt, the trick is to have enough contrast from your background, and it appears to be mainly light and dark.  In this case the light is the background and medium and dark batiks are the darks.  The quilting on this one is a simple Jessica's Swirls from Urban Elementz.

It's another snowy day out there this morning.  It is supposed to stop some time around 10:00 am, but we already have a completely white winter wonderland.  I think I am going to stay cozy and warm at home today.

Take care everyone and stay safe.

Friday 12 January 2024

Finished top for HHQG and my cat quilt

In November, the HHQG had a Outreach sew night for our November's meeting.  People signed up into groups of about 5-6 people.  Each group was responsible for bringing a machine and sewing tools.  The group would have selected who was going to do the sewing, who was going to lay out the quilt, someone to organize the group along the way, and someone else to iron and pin.  Well you get the meaning.

Everyone was having a good time and the comradery was great.  One group even coordinated hats and stuff....too

I didn't sign up to a group, as I didn't know if I would be needed by the Outreach coordinator to do odd jobs or rotate and lend a hand wherever.  Shortly after things got rolling, I realized I was not needed at all, so after making my rounds to all the groups, I decided to borrow a machine that was not being used and start sewing solo on a simple quilt top.

This here is what I selected.  During the meeting and between making rounds to make sure things were still going well, I sewed on this.  I did the webbing technique so I wouldn't loose my spot or any pieces.  I got the whole centre done by the end of the meeting.

I took the top home and just recently finished adding on the two borders.  I liked the simplicity of making this quilt, that after finishing this one, I decided to pull out some kid friendly fabrics to make one of my own.

Here are the results of what I did.  I had this one done the same day, as it was that simple to make.  The fabrics are cats.  Full body cats on green background, full body cats on red background, and cat faces on turquoise background.  The overall theme of the cats is winter, so I added a white fabric with the words Ho Ho Ho!  It's cute.  Later I might even make another one and maybe bigger.  This one is going to Project Linus when I get it all quilted.

All the while I am adding the borders to the first quilt top and making the second quilt top, I am using my 2" squares to make more sets of two, as my leader/ender.  The pile is continuing to get bigger!

If you are in Southern Ontario, take care and keep warm in this storm.  Perfect weather to stay inside and sew.

Thursday 11 January 2024

I have decided to let go of this hexagon quilt

In my year end UFO list post, that I posted a few days ago, I spoke about a UFO that I have decided to let go of.  I am just no longer into this quilt.  I've had these blocks for a long time now.  It is one of my oldest unfinished quilts.

It's a six point star made up into a hexagon block.  All the fabrics are old brown bag fabrics that contained things like men and women's shirting fabric, cotton housecoat fabrics, day dresses, some solids, and just about anything cotton was put into this quilt.  When I got this quilt from an auction, I started taking it all apart, washing all the fabrics, ironing them and retrimming them all the same size.

This was my test of doing inset seams.  You sew all the stars and inset each of the border diamonds to complete the hexagon.  Above is what I had done.  There are 20 full blocks done and I believe about 6 half blocks done to fill in the top and bottom edges of the quilt.

The picture above are all the little bundles that are already trimmed and ready to assemble.  Even though I did 20 blocks already, there are still 40 more blocks to go.  So I was 1/3 of the way done.  But, not enough incentive for me to be motivated to continue.  My mom is going to give it a go.

Below is just another picture of everything that was packed up and given to my mom.

Sometimes you just have to be real with the amount of quilts you can make.  There are so many I want to make, that it is not worth the constant nagging, to finish one that I am no longer in love with.  Giving it to my mom, gives it an excellent changes of actually getting done.

Have fun mom!

Wednesday 10 January 2024

A Quilt of Valour quilt ready to go (QW)

I have a customer who is going with gusto and trying to use up her stash of 2 1/2" batik squares.  This quilt did some dent in her bins, but I am sure only just a small  It always amazes me how far the scraps will go.

This is a large quilt going to Quilt of Valour.  There is a rhyme and reason to the pattern.  The blocks appear to be random, but everything goes together well with two halves flipped.  It makes it easier to work with these more manageable size blocks, sash them and put a border.  I am keeping this picture under QW - quilt want-to-be, for future use.  I too have many squares that I need to use up.  I am currently sewing up two at a time as my leader/ender, while making other quilts.  

This is one pattern she made.  Later I will show you another one she made, that I recently quilted.

Here is a close up of the corner, showing the numerous pretty and colourful fabrics she used in this quilt.  The more the merrier.  The sashing being a neutral pulls it all together.  The quilting on this quilt was Jessica's Swirls from Urban Elementz.

Take care everyone!  Enjoy your day.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Changing up some blocks

I just couldn't stop.  I am geared up to doing this BOM more  This time though, I decided to fix some of the blocks I already made.

I tried out a new block that I found and thought it would be a nice addition in a spot where there are four blocks in a four patch format.  However, after making it I didn't like it.  I think it was more so the colours that I selected for it that made it look more like a blob instead of highlighting the blocks themselves.  Do you see what I mean? 

So I made some modifications to the blocks and changed the colours to lighten it up.  I used a lighter background for both the exterior of the block in the interior.  The center square I went with an hourglass unit to match the spokes of the eccentric pinwheel.  Finally I decided to alternate the spokes between red and pink.  Can you see how much of a difference it makes? 

It is essentially the same block, just different fabric choices.  Which one do you like better, the darker version or the lighter version?

I also changed this variable star block.  The points of the star were a washed out burgundy and the background was a very beigy pink that kind of made the block look a bit drabby compared to what I have going on in the rest of the quilt, especially with the centre crazy square having the majority of washed out pinks.  I like this brighter red instead and I now was able to introduce the plaid background is a second block.  I want to find another spot to put this background fabric, so that it appears in at least three different places in the quilt.

Sometimes you have to go with your gut.  If after a bit you still don't like it, remove the block altogether or make changes to it so that it is more acceptable to you.  Afterall, this is your quilt and you need to like it.

Take care everyone, especially in this winter white wonderland......we really got a large amount of snowfall today.

Monday 8 January 2024

Starting to assemble some sections

I am itching to start seeing some real progress on this Heartfelt BOM quilt.  I've taken some blocks that form smaller sections and started putting them together.  I know that I risk the fact that when I get more blocks done, I may end up wishing it was in another position, but with what I did sew together, I am pretty sure I like what I have in placement.

The above picture has the three square-in-a-square blocks I made to replace a few of the hourglass units and the crazy block on the right is replacing a piano key block.  I am doing my blocks all scrappy and using up my stash.  There are some tiny pieces in  I am liking that fact.

The below picture has more crazy blocks and a paper piece heart block that someone in our small group shared with all of us.  Do you see that the repeat blocks like the nine patch and the variable star blocks are all coloured differently.  I think I am going a little overboard with making sure they are all different.  I think I'll like it, or it could just turn into one big hot mess, but I am going for

I am still liking the direction that the others are going with their blocks too.   We are getting together to sew on the 27th of this month.  Even though we are kind of following a guideline, we are also kind of going our own way and are at various stages in the process.  That's ok too!  

All the while that I am making these blocks and sewing things together, I am still working on my leader/ender of 2" squares.  I have a jar, almost full of two blocks sewn together and some into four patches.  This is all that I got together into twos just while assembling these sections above.  They add up pretty quickly.  It won't be long before I can put them into a quilt of their own.

Take care everyone!

Sunday 7 January 2024

More progress on my Heartfelt BOM quilt

I have to admit that I am really not good at these BOM (block of the month) quilts.  When I am in the mood to work on a quilt, I don't want to have to wait for the next month to work on it.  I also don't like looking at all the holes in the design, waiting for the next months block.

So......just so that I could finish a bit of assembling of blocks, I made this block out of order.  I think this block is cute.  The only change I made to this block is the centre square, where I added a four patch, instead of a plain square.  This is the eight pointed star block.  Our little group has it slated to be done in February.  In my layout of this quilt, I have to make six of these blocks, and they will likely wait until February to get done.  I only needed this one to finish a section of my quilt.

This is what happens when you can't sleep and get up a 4:30 am and don't know what to do..... I had renos to work on, but at that hour with everyone sleeping, I thought it best to do this

With this one block done, I was able to finish the assembly of the top four rows of the quilt.  That is without the word border.  The first four rows, is the start of the two humps for the heart.  I am seeing progress!  Whoo-hoo!!

I have to say that I am getting excited seeing all the blocks coming together.  I don't think I am going to be able to hold myself off each month.......  This month, January, our little group is to do the Flying Geese units, or whatever blocks we have decided to substitute for this unit in our own layout.

I like flying geese, so I am making them part of my layout.  I have just decided to make some more and change the position of some of them to fit my own vision of this quilt.  Afterall, the designing of the quilt has only provided a "suggestion".  It is really up to each individual, on how they want to interpret the pattern design.  

We are only four in our small group and each of us has gone in our own direction.  The essence of the quilt pattern is still in tack, but the layout and/or blocks used has been changed to suit our own taste.  The colourway that we have all chosen is also very different from each other and the designer.

I know of a bunch of other people also making this quilt.  I can't wait to see all of their variations!  That is the fun part of it!  Seeing what everyone has done with the pattern.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.  Take care and don't forget to take some time for yourself.

My year end UFO list

This morning, as I sit here, with my tea in a mug my daughter gave me for Christmas, I realize that I have not reviewed and closed off my year of 2023.

My kids find that I am too cheerful in the the mug "Hello, sunshine"  Just saying the words out loud in an exaggerated way, makes me happy.  It sets the mood for the rest of the day.

So here I am reviewing my list.  I am getting ruthless with my UFOs, trying to be realistic with what I want to do.  Though I set a goal to bring down my UFO list to only 10 items, I kept adding stuff to the list throughout the year, causing me to finish with 16.  

I choose to look at it in a positive light.  I started with 24 items and finished with less, and in the process, I finished 16 quilts.  I think that is pretty impressive for all that I had going on this past year.

As I mentioned earlier, I am being ruthless this year with my UFOs.  So I got real and evaluated two of my older UFOs, to figure out why they are still not done.  In the end, I figured I lost interest in them and didn't like the direction they were going.  I feel that life in general is too short to force yourself to do something you really don't like, so I have decided to abandon these two quilts.  The one I dismantled and added the fabric back into my scraps.  The second one, my mom decided she would see what she can do with it.  

Overall I am happy with the progress I had in 2023.  When I look at my list above, I see another positive thing.  All the pink is stuff done previously and the blue is stuff I did in 2023.  The list is telling me that for the most part, what I am starting, I am finishing.  There is a lot of blue on the bottom half of the list, which tells me too, that if the item sits on the list too long, the chances of it getting done reduces.

In 2024, I am going to really have to examine the stuff I didn't touch in 2023 and either be ruthless or concentrate on getting those ones done.  For now, I think I do like everything on my list and do want to see them completed, so maybe I will pick one at a time and see it through to completion.  Though to be honest........we are just in the beginning of January.......and I have already added nine more quilts......yes, you heard that right.....nine.......but to my credit, I have already finished one, a second is just waiting to be quilted and four of them are at the row assembly or borders part

Some of these were added while I was cleaning up my sewing space and found various items left over from other quilts, and that I intend to make a charity quilt with, so I don't feel bad about increasing my list.  Everything will get done.  It's just a matter of time.  I am looking at my list differently these days, so I think that is a good thing.

I highly suggest you start on a positive note this year, so take the time to pat yourself on the back for all the accomplishments you did this year.  You deserve it !!

Friday 5 January 2024

Two colour quilts from Judy and Teresa

I can never get enough of a two colour quilt.  Blue and white, red and white, whatever the combination, the traditional two colour quilts are always in.  This first quilt in blue and beige/cream was done with half square triangles set in a barn raising pattern.

This next one was a red and white quilt, with a twist.  The reds go all the way from burgundy through to red, down to dark pinks and everything in between.  The setting is large and small four patches set on a diagonal to make columns of diamonds.

Both of these designs can be made in any colourway, including completely scrappy.  You can even start this as a leader/ender quilt and make the blocks as you go, while assembling your current quilt blocks.  

I challenge myself to always have something beside my sewing machine that I can use as a leader/ender.  It makes making a quilt so much faster.  You just keep sewing the pairs together and before you know it you have stacks of pairs.  I call this mindless sewing.  You work on you current project and when you get to the end of the row, instead of cutting thread, put a pair of pieces through the machine and leave it there.  When you start working on you next block of your current project, you just start sewing, remove the leader/ender and add it to you growing pile.

Try it!  You may be surprised how fast things get made.

Thursday 4 January 2024

My brother's eagle quilt done and delivered

Just before Christmas and before I got the nasty cold, I managed to get my brother's quilt quilted.  I finished the top, back in October, while I was at a quilting retreat.  The only thing I had left to do was the binding.  

Good think my brother was going to be away this Christmas, so I had up until New Year's day to get that binding on.  Well....I thought I had plenty of time, but the cold held me back.  I did a bit here and a bit there, but come New Year's Eve, I still had two more sides of binding to do and I had a deadline of 11:00 am on New Years' day as we were all expected at my mom's place for brunch.  Noting like cutting it close.  

I was laid up all week, so when it came to New Year's Eve, I wanted to enjoy it with my family with games, food and good company.  So, I got up the next morning and set in to do the binding at 9:00 am.  By 11:00 am I was done, jumped in the shower and made it to my mom's by 12:00 noon, just as she was setting things on the table for brunch.

I gave the quilt to my brother and he absolutely loved it.  I am so glad.  Here is a close up of the quilting and the stars with fussy cut fabric for the centres.  The quilting design is called Ebb and Flow from Urban Elementz.

This next one shows the whole quilt.  The centre is a panel with an eagle soring over the mountains.  Primarily this quilt is a bunch of borders.  The only piecing was the stars along the top and sides and the trees at the bottom.  The whole quilt is a design from the fabric maker. This is her line of fabrics.  Various pieces of her fabric line added a bit of something to the whole.

The backing as well was gorgeous.  It really coordinated with the front.  My brother does like nature and eagles, so this suits him well.

Take care everyone and don't forget to take some time for yourself.