Saturday 1 October 2016

Sunshine quilt

Thursday past, during my early morning off of work, I worked on a pretty quilt that I have dubbed a sunshine quilt.  It is a simple alternating yellow block with soft coloured blocks for the alternating blocks.

I am using up some gifted fabric.  This yellow fabric is linen fabric.  It seems a bit stretchy or wobbly.  I don't think I will enjoy working with linens in the future, but this little quilt is bearable.  It is just so pretty with all the soft alternating blocks.

The blocks finish at 3" square.  I am thinking of quilting it with simple lines 1/4" along the seams on each side.  A simple technique for a simple quilt.  I can't wait to see how it finishes up.

While I was working on sewing all the blocks together and than all the rows together, I was working on some leader/enders.

Here are a couple of monkey wrench blocks that came out of my sewing up the sunshine quilt on Thursday morning.

I've only got two more monkey wrench blocks pre-cut in my leader/ender box to do.  I am going to have to get cracking on cutting out some more.  I am really liking how these are turning out.

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